Article 1: | Name of organization |
Section 1: | The organization shall be known as the Electrical Contractors Association of Tidewater (a non-profit organization). |
Article 2: | Objective |
Section 1: | To provide an association for individuals in the electrical industry to direct and conserve the best interest of the industry, to lend it’s cooperation to all electrical activities, and to increase the knowledge of the science of electricity in all it’s branches, to promote safety, dependability, integrity and fairness. |
Article 3: | Officers |
Section 1: | The following officers shall be elected for a period of one year and consist of a President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, Historian, and four directors. One of these directors shall be the immediate past President. |
Section 2: | The nominating of officers shall be held in March by a nominating Committee of two members who shall be appointed by the President. The election of the officers shall be held at the April meeting by majority 2/3 vote. |
Article 4: | Duties of Officers |
Section 1: | The President shall preside at all meetings of the association. He shall have power to call special meetings, appoint committees and in the event of a tie vote shall cast the deciding vote. In the event any officer resigns for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled by election for the un-expired term. |
Section 2: | The Vice-President shall exercise all duties and enjoy all powers and privileges of the President in the Presidents absence. He shall also preside over the standing chairmen. |
Section 3: | The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all regular and special meetings, shall furnish one copy of the minutes each month to the Historian. The Secretary shall retain all minutes during his term of office and pass on those documents to the incoming secretary. |
Section 4: | The Treasurer shall receive and dispense the funds of the association, keep an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements, submit a statement of his accounts at each meeting or whenever required by the President. All disbursements shall be made by check and must be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President. The Treasurer shall turn over the association’s accounts for audit quarterly. |
Section 5: | The Corresponding Secretary shall send out notices, conduct the necessary correspondence of the association |
Section 6: | The Historians duties shall consist of keeping the associations records and complete history of the association and pass the documents on to the incoming Historian. |
Section 7: | The Officers and Directors shall audit the Associations accounts and install a budget at the annual meeting in June. |
Article 5: | Membership |
Section 1: | The membership shall consist of electrical contracting firms who shall be examined, licensed and bonded in the electrical installation industry, and be known as the voting membership on policy as determined by the president. |
Section 2: | Associate members shall consist of individuals engaged in the electrical installation industry, electrical supply houses, factory representatives, electrical utility companies, telephone company, electrical engineers, electrical inspectors and architects. Associate members shall be allowed to vote on all matters of the association. Associate members cannot serve as committee chairmen but may enjoy all other privileges of the association. |
Section 3: | Membership dues shall be ($250) per year. Special assessments may be made at any time at the discretion of the members and the affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3) of the members present. |
Section 4: | All members shall be in good standing and have current association year card. |
Section 5: | A current member of the association having personal knowledge of the prospective member’s character and qualifications shall sponsor prospective members. |
Section 6: | Any member may be expelled for a cause following a hearing and by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at the regular business meetings. |
Section 7: | Any member, whose membership in the association has been terminated, shall forfeit all interest and shall forfeit all interest in any funds or property of the association. |
Article 6: | Meetings |
Section 1: | There shall be 7 regular meetings of the association on the third (3rd) Thursday of each month at 7:30pm or at such time and place as the President may designate. |
Section 2: | The annual meeting of the association shall be held on the third (3rd) Thursday of June of each year at which meeting a report shall be made to all officers and directors of the Associations standing. |
Section 3: | The month of June shall be installation of new officers and officers shall be announced (introduced) at the April prior Meeting. |
Article 7: | Association Chairmen |
Section 1: | Standing Chairmen shall be appointed each year to oversee Programing, House affairs, Publicity, Membership and BI-Laws. |
Section 2: | Program Committee – All Directors The Program Committee shall provide programs of the association’s choice. (Performed by all Directors) |
Section 3: | House Affairs Chairman shall be responsible for securing proper meeting places, be responsible for menu, see that the podium and emblems are in their proper places, see that the proper number of place settings are available. The House Affairs Chairman shall also be custodian of all properties of the association. |
Section 4: | Media Director’s duties shall be to furnish newspapers with meeting places and dates and all activities of interest. |
Section 4: | Membership Chairman’s duties shall consist of securing name tags complete with identification and make up-to-date name tags available at meetings, contact prospective members and call inactive members. |
Section 4: | By-law’s Chairman shall also be known as Parliamentarian whose duties are to see that by-laws are carried out and meetings are governed by Roberts Rules. Propose and study any new amendments and present them to the president for action of the membership. |
Section 4: | Advertising Director shall be responsible for promoting the organization through flyers, mailings, ads and any other promotional means. |
Section 4: | Web-Coordinator shall keep current the website, promote meetings, update newsletter and keep all web activities and active sites. |
Article 8: | Amendments |
Section 1: | The by-laws of the association may be changed at any regular business meeting provided that a notice of such change be mailed to each member seven (7) days in advance of such meeting and such notice shall clearly set forth the proposed change and be accepted by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the members present. |